Ensuring Knowledgeable and Effective Leaders for the Agriculture Industry
Endowed funds given to the IALF are invested in perpetuity. They’re used to continue the tradition of excellence in leadership programming and to fund new opportunities in leadership education. In addition to individual contributions, Seminar Sponsorships are available that can provide funding as a permanent endowment or for a length designated-time.
The following seminars are permanently funded through sponsor gifts to the IALF Endowment:
Richard Ryan Seminar on Economics & the Marketplace
In partnership with the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business and endowed by IALF Board Member Richard Ryan, this seminar focuses on economic and monetary policy development, commodity trading and the use and availability of capital for business.
Farm Credit Seminar on Innovation & Change
Endowed by Farm Credit and Compeer Financial, this seminar looks at the forces that are changing – and will change – the business and agricultural sectors in the nation and world by focusing on the velocity and magnitude of trends in areas such as education, computer technology, and urban agriculture.
Martin L. Andreas Seminar on Energy Outlook
Endowed by long-time IALF Board Member Martin L. Andreas, the seminar explores the need for and availability of energy, its alternatives and the ecosystems that support or are challenged by the methods of generating and manufacturing fuels.
Kim Morton Seminar on National Ag Policy
Endowed by IALF Board Member and Class of 1998 Graduate Kim Morton, this seminar provides preparation for the National Travel Seminar by exploring in-depth the Farm Bill, food safety and security, environmental policy and agricultural science policy in the United States.
GROWMARK Seminar on Global Challenges and Leadership Opportunities
Endowed by the GROWMARK Foundation/Glenn Webb Education Fund, the seminar explores the role of the entrepreneur, trends in science and technology, and issues of providing food, water, and impact on the global environment.
The Maschhoffs LLC Seminar on State Government
Endowed by The Maschhoffs, this seminar takes an in-depth look at the operations and functions of
Illinois government, the budget and law-making processes, education and
the role of outside influencers.
The Ron and Melanie Warfield International Perspectives Seminar
This seminar is endowed by 1984 graduate and former Illinois Farm Bureau President Ron Warfield – an in-depth analysis of the economic, geopolitical and cultural attributes of the destination(s) for the International Travel Seminar.
The Joyce Watson Leadership Orientation Seminar
This seminar is named after the founding President/CEO and was funded by contributions from board members and alumni—a formal introduction of the IALP for participants and spouses, including business etiquette and professionalism sessions.
The following permanent funding opportunities are available through the IALF Endowment:
$1,250,000 will provide permanent funding for the International Study Seminar – a hands-on look at the agriculture, trade, government, security and culture of a significant U.S. trading partner.
·$500,000 will provide permanent funding for the National Study Seminar – an in-depth study seminar in Washington, D.C. to explore the workings of Congress, governmental agencies, departments and agricultural associations in the formation of federal policy.
$300,000 will provide permanent funding for the Business Decision-Making Seminar – interactive discussions on effective business strategies including strategic planning, risk management, and team building.
$250,000 will provide permanent funding for the Personal Leadership and Self-Reflection Seminar– this seminar will begin moving the personal leadership journey forward. Participants will explore their personality traits and leadership qualities through high-level assessments. Learning to relate to others and lead those who have different abilities is a key component of this seminar.
$200,000 will provide permanent funding for the Business Communication, Outreach and Media Relations Seminar – strategies for influencing others through mass, personal and social media are explored in this seminar. Through case studies, participants learn how to communicate shared values and develop an effective message
$125,000 will provide permanent funding for the Communication Skills Seminar – this is executive-level training in developing and making presentations, negotiating, and excelling in business communication skills such as listening and grammar.