IALP Class of 2020 Focuses on Economics and Marketplace
The Illinois Agricultural Leadership Program conducted the Richard Ryan Economics and the Marketplace Seminar, January 23-25 in Chicago. The IALP Class of 2020 was hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, The Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago, The CME Group, and Lakefront Futures and Options at the Chicago Board of Trade.
The seminar, endowed by former IALF Board member Richard Ryan, featured 14 speakers over the three days focusing on the global markets, economics and agriculture, financial institutions, and commodity markets. The seminar began with David Oppedahl, Senior Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, who gave the class an overview of the Federal Reserve Bank, and the programs and information the Fed provides to the agricultural industry. Rick Mattoon, Senior Economist for the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago then gave a presentation on the State of Illinois’ budget and pension situation.
That evening, the IALP Class of 2020 participated in a symposium on agricultural issues and trade with fellows of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA) Emerging Leaders Program at the CCGA headquarters. Phil Levy, a Senior Fellow on Global Economy of the CCGA, presented to the group on trade. Attendees then broke out into groups to discuss other ag issues including trade, sustainability, and meeting the world’s food production needs.
The second day of the program was held at the world-renowned Booth Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago. The class was welcomed by Harry Davis, Professor of Creative Management at the Booth School of Business. Seminar sponsor Richard Ryan spoke about his tenure as a student at the University of Chicago and gave a brief synopsis of the rich history of the institution and its relationship with agriculture.
Chris Collins, Associate Dean for Leadership Development for the Full-Time MBA Program, talked about “Leadership Effectiveness and Development.” Michael J. Gibbs, Clinical Professor of Economics, introduced the class to concepts in economics in a speech entitled, “What’s So Great about Markets?”. Kevin Murphy, George J. Stigler Distinguished Service Professor of Economics, reviewed his research in his speech concerning, “Human Capital, Inequality and Growth”.
The afternoon at the University of Chicago included a visit to the Becker Friedman Institute with a tour and presentation featuring Nobel Laureate in Economics, Lars Hansen, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago. Later that afternoon Dr. Robert Topel, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago presented to the class on “Some Dismal Economics of Climate Policy”. A reception followed the days’ presentations at Booth.
The final day of the seminar began at the CME Group global headquarters and featured Fred Seamon of Agricultural and Commodity Research and Project Development at CME. He welcomed the group and spoke about “Price Risk Management and Efficient Commodity Allocation.” The IALP fellows then were hosted by Lakefront Futures and Options, LLC at the Chicago Board of Trade where they heard a presentation from Lakefront’s Jon Marcus, Nick Leblebijian, Paul Kokuzian on their role in the commodities and futures markets. The class then went on a tour of the CBOT floor.